Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Field Trip

untuk semester ini, field trip diputuskan ke Shenzhen-China. lumayan lama menunggu keputusan dari ketua jurusan, mr.LBL. mungkin banyak pertimbangan berdasarkan field-trip2 sebelumnya.

keberangkatan kami ke Shenzhen tidak se'semangat' yang seharusnya. ini berkaitan dengan banyaknya tugas dan deadline disertasi.

begini ternyata sistem edukasi-nya, main hantam kromo sajah. yang penting targetnya sampai.

dan anehnya, walo sistem hantam kromo dipake, kulitas gak boleh hantam kromo juga, tetap menuntut kulitas nomer wahid..

hasilnya... sleepless... day-by-day
gila, sampe jam 4 subuh
bangun jam 8

ada alasan mereka menuntut kualitas 'hasil' kelas wahid.
perpus yang sangat lengkap (huaaa...ada buku yang hilang niy...semoga cepet ketemunya...)
perpus yang buka 7 hari dalam seminggu
even minggu buka lho...
karna yang namanya ngerjain tugas itu terserah kamu mo kapan dikerjain, resource-nya selalu terbuka.

yang artinya juga no weekend
yang ada a whole weekdays.... mari belajar 7 hari seminggu

lah...seneng2nya kapan?
bisa ajah...
strategi sayah ya...
klo jalan2 bawa buku, jadi di mrt, ato nunggu bis..sambil maem masih bisa lirik2 sedikit itu buku.
nah...dirumah tinggal ngetik sajah

cukup bawa buku + posit kecil..
tempel2 deh di halaman yang isinya pengen dikutip.

secara tugas utamanya di studio, dan belajar dari semester lalu,
gau mau banyak2 bikin studi massa
lebih nguatin ke konsep sajah
so, baca deh itu buku2!!!

eh..malah kesana-kemari curhatnya,

balik lagi ke field trip!
dengan cita-cita ingin singgah ke hongkong dan macau [mumpung...], aku ikut gerombolan take-san and remi.
semoga nanti perjalanannya asyik..

satu lagi,
temen sekelas ada yang mangkir, ndak mau ikut field trip..kenapa? karna gak mau sajah!

yang lebih kenthir adalah tidak ada sistem yang memaksa...atau...dengan kata bijaknya, mengharuskan dia untuk bergabung dengan field trip ini!

konsekwensinya hanya kehilangan 20% dari nilai studio..
and he take the risk!

hehehe...siapa yang nekat ini, jurusannya apa dia yaa...
salut deh buat KK!

my preparation?

satu: mengerjakan semua tugas2...[itu pasti]
dua: beli tiket [lewat remi sajah]
tiga: [tuker duwit]
empat: visa [bareng sak kelas]
lima: berdoa [supaya selamat]

ngepak-ngepak mah dah terbiasa
semoga kali ini lebih light dibanding biasanya..

I'm light traveler...

image: duwit yang ada di travel wallet-ku

Friday, February 22, 2008

saya percaya

klo keputusan selalu butuh pengorbanan

current status:
dissertati[on]ng + the Corrs = enjoyable

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

sorry, you're @wrong level

that hectic day, 2 bags I should carry out.

uops... I saw the announcement, one of our lift didnt work.

about 7-9 people waited for another lift to go up stairs.

[my hostel is HBD, 11 levels, with more than 70 units. only 2 lifts operates all day, and only stop on level 1, 5 and 9]

we entered the lift....-desak-desakan- I pushed my self into it, I didnt want to wait until it come down again, such as wasting time.

so, I was right next to the lift's door. my stress was getting higher...

suddenly the door opened, I jump out from the 'full-fully' lift.
and start to went down stairs
walking though the units...until the corner of the building
eh...why my flat door is opened?
eh..why there a man sat down easily on my couch?
eh-eh..why he looked me and his face was full with question marks?

something wrong
lets me see...

O my gosh....I just wanted to enter #04-246

I was @ the wrong level, sodara-sodara!

and I climbed 4 level to go to my OWN unit #08-246

[my day-by-day route is 'enter lift @ level 1 go to level 9, and take the stairs go down to level 8, walking along corridor to the corner to unit number 246'

hahaha...this stupidity make my night...
I laugh-laugh-laughing me-myself-and-my-stress.

Monday, February 11, 2008

happy lunar new year

this is the way Singaporean-Chinese celebrate the Lunar New Year.

put many kind of ingredients on the plate, nuts, veggies, fruits, ginger-onion, some sausage.

everyone ready with the chopsticks


ADUL-ADUL bareng.....

ah..such as excitement flows when we do the adul-adul bareng...

than, everyone took apart of the mixture, and ate....

hahahaha...all the ingredients mix together, and the freshy taste come out as the result.


Happy Chinese New Year

mr LBL said that he had stomachache after he ate that 'adul-adul'
but none of us had it
so, it didnt because of adul-adul, but other food caused it...